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Sunday, July 26, 2009

FUTURE of search engines..

During the recent years the search engine seems to change it feathers showing a big threat to google "the largest and most reputed search engine of present date "
recent search engines have come down with some new kind of searching techniques and in recent era they are called semantic search engine.
The difference between normal and semantic search engines is normal engines search the web and results which has got the maximum number of times the usage of written text and web crawler saves the pages it visits .
But in case of semantic search engines ,they are developed so that they understand the meaning behind the entered text and then accordingly searches the web and give us the results .The latest search engine of microsoft "BING" is said to be semantic in nature ,even the KOSMIX is rapidly catching the market revealing the fact that the days of google as no.1 search angine are gone .But there is also some argument behind the fact that ,hits that are excluded by semantic search engines and those are included in normal search engine ,the question is can we afford to loose those hits......well answer varies according to search. If we intend to search for meaningful search we should use semantic search engines and if we want to search for the exact text typed we should better use normal search engine those like of google.hence google is no longer supposed to be the king of search engines...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Microsoft silverlight

Microsoft silverlight is used to design rich interactive application (RIA) for web,it runs on all almost all kind of web browsers.
Silverlight is same as that of adobe flash player or those of sun java FX ,it gives a strong competition to both of it .It is a cross-browser platform independent version enabling us to create rich UI's by implementation of .NET framework.
The .NET frame work was included in silverlight version 2.0 but in silverlight 1.0 used HTML controls as there UI controls.It also optionally support build in media streaming.

Silverlight plugin can be thought of as a scaled down version of full .NET framework it contains only those classes amd functions that are applicable to silverlight webclient.

Some of the unique advantages of using silverlight are:

*we get the highest quality video experience ever, its cross platform, cross browser feature gives us an aditional advantage to handle it very easy ,fastest way of developing applications with help of .NET is much cheaper amd offers remote debugging by setting breakpoints.

it also offers a copy protection so finally the content provider has complete control over the interactive applications.

In order to create a silverlight application the following prerequisites are necessary,

Microsoft silverlight 2+(recommended):runtime used to view Silverlight application using .NET framework.

Microsoft visual studio 8.0:It act as a developer tool.

designer tools:expression blend 2.5

SDK: development kit

Silverlight 3.0 released on 9th july 2009 its unique features are:

Expression blend 3.0 is used as a designer tool, a ,number of new controls were added, animation easing effects,a new BITMAP appliation helping us to do more granular maiplulation.Out of browser experience is of the best feature in silverlight 3.0 . every silverlight 3 application can be enabled as desktop application .Silverlight 3 includes a richer 3d perspective graphics.Silverligt would bring out revolution in media application.

Monday, July 13, 2009

.NET frame work
.NET technology was launched by microsoft to beat the sun java ,initially microsoft only had visual basic ,and vc++, in cometition with java but java was catching market very fast. Java tools were best for web application.
Misrosoft had been running a secret project called "next generation windows services"(NGWS) ,the outcome of this project is now well known as .NET.
VC++ was so too complex to learn about ,so many libraries and so many data types,on the other hand talking about visual basic it was too easy to design serious application hence, JAVA was the choice left for the users.
.NET is a purely object oriented approach .It has a single class library.
whatever language you use it does not matter it supports almost all kind of language may it be C ,C++,C#,VB,J#. every language uses the same calss library.
And hence user dont need to learn different library while switching from one language to other only the syntax is different the class library is same
When you write the code and compile it ,it gets converted into intermediate language and finally when it runs it get coverted to .NET class libraries.
So there wont be any performance difference between codes in diferent languages.
What is the differnce between .NET and visual studio.NET ?
Never get confused between .NET and visual studio.NET ,VS.NET is simply and editor provided by microsoft by which you could write your programmes easily. automatically generates a lot codes , while users just use a drag and drop form it provide build in applications and shortcuts, VS.NET is not arequired thing to do...
but if we dont use it ,it would be very tiring task to write lenghty codes ,so going with visual studio is much better option.