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Monday, July 5, 2010

W anderson's game....

The tragedy that  turned  the life of the people living nearby to hell , issue is still burning and is the football of politics ...yes its the bhopal gas tragedy one the biggest tragedy ever 26 years ago in 1984 UCL (Union Carbide limited) changed to a graveyard of over 25000 people . The toxins and poisonous chemical leaked out the tank leading to a catastrophe but who was responsible?? was it CEO Mr warren Anderson or were it thousands of employees working there from which
                                      most of them were declared to be dead or were it  the government employees and organisation who were supposed to be inspecting and investigating the company at regular interval of time but.......nobody knows what exactly happened .Mr Anderson flew away to US right after the tragedy .But the question here is beside having so many governing bodies still tragedy took place due carelessness of the officials or a big possible chance that CEO mr Anderson knew all the governing bodies pretty well ,generally all the business persons do keep good contact with the officials and hence he was also succesfull in flying away to US . But after 26 yrs  ..people are still thriving for justice. The so called GoM became active immediately after these many years to seek justice to the victims.The victims are to be re-categorized  a what about the families in Punjab were children still suffer from neurological disease. Anderson put to more and more charges wont change the things but yeah at least it would warn other hundred of  CEO's across the country to realize their responsibility  no further chances will be taken .And  to the comment of deepak parekh on the issue that anderson was not the only person responsible he was just heading his board of directors ...but bieng the damn CEO of the company the major part of the responsibility was on him.
He owe's much more to those 25000 people and thier family ..

Friday, April 30, 2010

Microsofts TECHVISTA ::@Bangalore:AWESOME experience

I had been one the attendee to the TECHVISTA event in bangalore ,conducted by Microsoft it had really been an awesome experience ,It was attended by the noble prize award winners.It was a once in a life time opportunity to talk to such eminent personalities and researchers who were present in the event . And i should not miss here to say that experience of the Bangalore was much better than the Leela(the place where the event was organised ) . I experienced some cool technologies of Microsoft like Microsoft surface,Photosynth and many more upcoming technologies .But the most important which was the most talked about stuff was the Microsoft Intern exam that we all appeared, and i must say here that MS intern exams are very easy ......but thats a different issue that only 2 of 150 geeks across the country qualified the intern written test of the exam  :(
..Attending these events gave me a exposure and a chance to meet all the students in and across the country and for this i must say HATS OFF to MS......

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Its too late to Ring the Bells!! count decrease to 1411:(

I was enjoying my vacations and had been to my home ,  i just opened all my old stuff of the time when i was 9 yrs and suddenly my eyes felt on a glistening diary which i remember  my father had gifted me .I used to write everything  in the diary , everything that happened to me in the whole day , my views about my friends etc.... Going through the diary and smiling at the   the stupid things i had done ,which appeared as a flashback in my mind ...i came across the painting i had drawn of the wild cat ,Those were the two little sweet heart  ,its high time we need to start to act rite now. until each one of us pull up the voltage and increase the frequency of the sound of "saving our tigers".it wont be possible to save and improve their numbers.